Anti-Corruption in the Time of COVID-19
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The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Rule of Law & AntiCorruption Center (ROLACC) of Qatar are organizing an international academic seminar, entitled “Anti-corruption in times of COVID-19”. The seminar will take place in Tunis, Tunisia, on 10 December 2020, immediately after the ceremony of the fifth annual International
Anti-Corruption Excellence (ACE) Award. Subject to the COVID-19-related travel and gathering restrictions, the seminar will take place in a hybrid set-up.
The seminar will be held under the auspices of the UNODC Anti-Corruption Academic (ACAD) initiative. The objectives of the seminar are: (1) to provide a forum for academics and experts to discuss key issues in the area of anti-corruption in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic; (2) to facilitate the exchange of good practices and knowledge in the area of anticorruption education and research; and (3) to promote the work of the ACE Award winners as well as the ACAD network in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
Seminar participants will be anti-corruption practitioners and academics from the MENA region and beyond. Speakers at the seminar will be the 2020 ACE Award winners, members of the ACE Assessment Advisory Board and experts from the UNODC academic network.
UNODC staff with vast experience in the fields of the ACE Award categories and the topics of the plenary sessions will moderate the seminar discussions and will provide feedback on the speakers’ presentations.
The seminar will be delivered in an interactive manner and will include six substantive plenary sessions. The first three substantive sessions will be dedicated to the winners of the ACE Award for anti-corruption academic research and education, youth creativity and engagement and innovation. Speakers will provide an overview of their work in the respective area, which will be followed by questions and answers.
The event will provide a platform to discuss topics such as the importance of the rule of law to the prevention of and fight against corruption, anticorruption and compliance in the private sector, measures to prevent fraud in procurement and asset recovery. Discussions will also focus on the new challenges that the anti-corruption efforts are facing during the current pandemic.
The seminar will be conducted in Arabic, English and French.
A compenduin of all presentations and statements delivered at the seminar will be published by UNODC on its Global Resource for Anti-Corruption Education (GRACE) platform, which is currently under development, and made available to all members of the ACAD network and other academics and experts from around the world interested in anti-corruption education and research.
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