Doha – Qatar: The Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Center, in coordination with the Administrative Control and Transparency Authority (ACTA), organized a training program on ‘Law No 9 Regulating the Right to Access Information’ during the period from 2 to 5 October 2023, in order to enhance the capabilities of public officials and provide them with knowledge that improves their technical and practical capabilities in the fields of integrity and transparency.
The training program included information about the right to information law, which includes 27 articles distributed over eight chapters, including many provisions in matters related to the organization of the right to information, procedures for requesting information, the deadline for providing information, cases of acceptance or rejection of requests, as well as related legal penalties such as fines and/or imprisonment.
Additionally, the law covers obligations on the bodies subject to the law in terms of publishing information automatically, providing information for the requester, dealing with requests for acceptance and rejection, grievance mechanisms, familiarization with relevant local laws and policies, as well as international practices in this field, and practical training for application in their respective entities.
The law regulating the right to access information aims to make the most of public services provided by various entities, contribute to recruitment procedures, enhance transparency in the performance of the concerned agencies, promote economic participation, encourage economic investment, and assist the media in fighting the phenomenon of rumors and misinformation, as well as contributing to scientific research.
This training program is part of the framework of the development plan to enhance the capabilities of public officials, raise their efficiency and provide them with knowledge that enhances their technical and practical capabilities in the fields of integrity, transparency and prevention of corruption, contributing to the achievement of the goals of the Human Development Pillar of the Qatar National Vision 2030.